Friday, August 28, 2009

First 3 days

Hey ya'll!!! 

Well let’s just say I officially hate flying over sea! My first flight was to Charlotte (that was not too was only a hour flight) then my second flight was to L.A, which was about 4 hours. That flight felt long so that basically tells you how did Anna survive on the flight to Taiwan? I had 2 flying buddies, one from my women's soccer team (Felicia) and another from the men's soccer team (Mike). So when Felicia, Mike and I got to L.A (it was about 11 am), we had to find our bus and go to the hotel that we stayed till 1 am for our flight to Taiwan. I had so much fun in L.A because once we got to the hotel; we met the other players from the other USA sports. That day, we had a pizza party at 6 pm with all the USA teams. It was amazing to see how many deaf people there are because I have never seen so many deaf athletics in a huge room. After meeting all these new people, we all became close. Now it was time for our flight to Taiwan, which was a 14 hr flight. That was so miserable!!!! Well kind of. So when we first got into the air, everyone on the plane went to sleep! So that was good for me because I was exhausted! I slept for about 5 hours but I remember moving so much because the seats were sooo uncomfortable! After the 5 hours, I could not go back to sleep, it was too difficult. So I walked around the plane to stretch my legs and some athletics were awake so I started talking to them. What I mean talking, a lot of them were signing and moving there lips at the same time so I didn't have a hard time understanding them but some of them were like me. I met this guy named Danny and he is 6'5" and I assumed he was on the basketball team but it turned out that I was wrong. He is our # 1 fan! I was so shocked that we have a fan who came to just cheer for us. Okay, now here comes the worst part. I hate airplane food! So after seeing them put food on our tray and giving it to me, I got sick immediately! I could not handle the smell; I had to get them to move it out of my face before anything comes out of mouth. So I didn't really eat that much on the plane. They had fruit so that was good for me because I LOVE fruit! Anywhos, I had like no energy! The staff on the plane was so nice; Felicia and I went to go and check out the first class and the staff let us talk to the pilots, which was cool. Our plane had 2 levels, which was neat! Okay, I am going to stop talking about the flight, we finally got to Taiwan which was awesome because when we were walking out to the bus, there were so many reporters and cameras everywhere!! the police had to back them off! It was weird! when both of our soccer teams reached the bus, there were 2 police escorting us out. They were with us the whole time until we got to our hotel. The bus ride was 3 hours! But it didn't feel like that at all because all of us started talking and laughing! it was tons of fun! After the first hour, we stopped for a bathroom break! I went to go to the bathroom, there were over 50 individual bathrooms at this place, half of them had toilets but the other half were holes in the ground. It was interesting. Then we went inside the building to get food. All I got was water. While I was there, I realized if you order pasta, they microwave it, they don't cook it. All they had was Chinese food, I am not a big fan of Chinese food. We got back on the bus and cont. driving. On the bus, some of the players were teaching me how to sign language, that was tough for them because it took forever for me to figure out what they were saying to me. They wouldn't move their lips, all they were doing were just signing so I could learn better. But it was fun learning. So finally we made it to the hotel!!! We got our luggage and went up to our rooms and fresh up for 15 minutes and come back down to get lunch. My team, the women's soccer team, went to go get lunch and we went to the food court at a mall. All I ate was a bagel, they did not have any food that I liked! I was miserable. Then after lunch, we went to go warm up just for 30 minutes. The men's and women's soccer team, we all went on a run then stretched for a long time! After that we went to take showers, I WAS SOOO HAPPY AFTER MY SHOWER!!! i felt so much better, i haven't had a shower in 3 days. by the way, we missed Thursday because we were in the air...weird!!! Anywhos, after cleaning up, everyone (all the USA teams) went to go have dinner in the lobby of the hotel. Dinner was good! i actually ate alot of food. I was starving!! The men's soccer team taught me how to use chopsticks....they were getting frustrated with me. oh well! eventually i got it! after dinner we had a meeting. I fell asleep during the meeting so I had no idea what it was about. oops! then my roommate (Laura) and I went back to our rooms to go to bed. We realized that it was only 730 pm and we were exhausted! we slept for 11 hours straight! oh also i forgot to point out that there beds are so hard! it is like a rock. when Laura and I ran to our beds, we never bounced back up! not cool! but we got to sleep well! this morning, breakfast was very good, they still had some weird, fun-looking food but they had some American food i guess you can say. now in a hour, the women's soccer team is about to go train. then after our morning training we have a scrimmage against our men's soccer team which will be fun because we love playing against them! 

Get ready for more posts soon. 


  1. Thanks for the update! Loved it...making lots of great memories! Can't wait to read more! Tell everyone hi for me. JAckie

  2. okay i will! we miss you jackie!

  3. This was amazing. I felt like I was there. I laughed so hard listening to you tell it all. :9)

  4. Anna, you are too funny! I can just about picture you looking at a hole in the ground for a bathroom!

    Hope you are having a great time!
    Ms. Davis
